Wednesday 1 February 2017

Habits of Mind - Stop and Think!

Stop and Think!

We watched this video clip in class.  It's a super example of something that can often happen in the classroom.  It makes us 'Stop and Think' about the things we do and say.  Sometimes we really need to take time to think about what words come out of our mouth.

Can you think of another example of a time when you might need to 'Stop and Think' during the school day?  Record it in the comments section below. (Remember to write you name first so we know who has commented ... but not your last name.)


  1. Devina:Probably when one
    Person was sitting on a chair and then another
    wants to sit on it to .Then the person sitting on the chair will say i was sitting here first in a mean way and they won't STOP AND THINK.

  2. Zoe: when someone is not behaving well you need to stop and think what the right thing to do is

  3. This is a cool video, using the habits of mind to stop and think before you act!

  4. Maddy: if someone says something mean to you, you have to stop and think before you say anything back to them.

  5. Isaac
    When somebody takes your soccer ball when you go to get a drink

  6. Lily
    When someone asks if they can play with you you should stop and think instead of saying no because it might hurt their feelings
